
How To Get Your Tinder Unbanned

You got banned on Tinder.

That sucks bigtime, I know. I've been there and I came back. Stronger than ever.

Today you'll find out how to get unbanned from Tinder.

You'll also learn why you got banned, so you can prevent it from happening again.

What you get:

  • 7 Steps to recover your account
  • Find out what Tinder thing people have been Googling 514% more often lately
  • 3 Screenshot examples of guys who got hit by the banhammer
  • Bonus: A free download with 10 copy pastable lines
  • How to get unbanned from Tinder (both Android and iPhone)
  • 7 Reasons why you can get banned (avoid these at all costs)
  • More…

By the way, do you sometimes get stuck in online conversations? Very frustrating... but there is a simple solution. I created a bonus named The 10 Texts That Always Work, including my favorite text to send when I have gotten her number, an easy message to get her out on a date, and some witty lines to get the conversation going. Download it, it's completely free and easy to use.

7 Most likely reasons why you got banned on Tinder


Read these 7 reasons first, so you never get banned again.

Some of the reasons might be quite unexpected.

It used to take quite extreme measures to get banned from Tinder.

But times change, my friend. And so do the Tinder rules.

It doesn't take an IQ of 7000 to figure out that you won't get banned on Tinder if you behave like a well mannered human being…

…but at the same time, you can get banned faster than you'd think.

Even if you think you ARE behaving according to social norms.

One of the reasons is that Tinder makes their users law enforcers. Anyone can report anyone. And if you get reported one too many times… you're out.

And Tinder is swinging the might banhammer around more freely than ever. Just look at this screenshot:

The keywords 'banned from Tinder' went up by a staggering 326% lately.

People wondering "how to get unbanned from Tinder" increased by 514%.

Coincidentally that's the same amount of swag increase my students see after applying my TextGod Toolkit.

(Not going to lie, applying my system of texting also does increase your chance at getting banned if you use it carelessly. But for most men this will be a huge benefit, as they finally get EMOTIONAL conversations that lead to dates, instead of BORING convos that lead to nothing.)

So, let's see why people are getting banned left and right.

1: Offensive language

Surprise surprise, you're not allowed to insult people.

No matter what kind of profanity you're throwing at your matches, it's punishable.

If you the other person reports you and Tinder agrees that your behavior is untolerable, you're going to get a warning.

Since the start of my Tinder journey, when the app was still brand new, I've collected some of these.

They usually came after testing all sorts of things for articles, YouTube videos, or online courses.

I then ticked off the box "I understand. It won't happen again", and continued my journey.

Until one day, I didn't have to promise anything anymore, and got my account deleted by Tinder.

When you get banned, no one tells you why exactly you got banned.

I've heard many other sites saying you just have to wait a few days and then kindly and diplomatically ask for forgiveness. And then after waiting for a week or two… *poof* the ban will disappear, and you are free to enjoy Tinder again.

Sounds nice. But it's not true.

I have tried appealing bans on multiple accounts, banned for different reasons. On my own Tinder a coach's Tinder, my girlfriend's Tinder, and so on…

The dating app is getting more and more strict. And less and less forgiving by the day.

As you can see, Tinder is coming down hard on jokesters. Although I find the toilet paper line awful in terms of seduction, it is clearly a joke. And hardly banworthy.

But the app just can't afford its biotope getting polluted. There's too much at stake.

Long story short: If you get banned in this day and age, the ban is most likely irreversible and trying to fight Tinder's decision seems like wasted energy.

Here's the email my girlfriend received after one of our YouTube videos went south:

2: Catfishing

Catfishing is a term that is part of the new online dating lingo.

No, you're not allowed to pretend to be someone you're not.

There's plenty of fake accounts floating around Tinder.

(and I've always tried to report all of them, contributing to a better dating app)

Some guys and girls pretend to be really attractive people they are not. Some do it to get attention from people they otherwise wouldn't get. Others have more malicious intentions such as blackmail.

And even if you just want to have a laugh by creating a fictional profile, you can get banned from Tinder.

This girl reported getting banned from Tinder because of her Loch Ness profile.

(And she then used a friend's phone number to create a new one and have another laugh.)

As you can see, she's rocking Tinder Plus. So nope, paying for the app doesn't grant you immunity.

3: Racism

This seems pretty obvious.

Racism in any kind or form isn't tolerated.

Ignore this rule and get you'll get swung at by the banhammer.

After experimenting with just texting song lyrics, that included the word 'nigga' in a way that didn't seem offensive, I received a warning from Tinder.

Again, it's not because you say stuff you don't find offensive, that you can say it. If the other person takes offense, then they can report you.

And if you get reported one too many times, you'll be kicked out. More on that later.

Let's say you made certain jokes to Sarah and she found them super funny.

If you say the same things to Taylor and she's a conservative prude more sensitive person, then she can still report you.

4: Image violation (careful what photos you pick)

There are some photos that no one wants to see.

These images are therefor getting you banned on Tinder.

If you ever doubted whether posting naked or violent photos would make you popular…

…the answer is no. It gets you banned from the app.

99.999% of women are not pleased with unasked dïckpïcks.

And normal people aren't looking forward to seeing violent photos.

Speaking about violent photos…

Some people have uploaded photos where they proudly pose next to a dead animal.

Here's what Tinder said:

Posing next to a king of the jungle doesn't make you one. It's time for the tiger selfies to go. More often than not, these photos take advantage of beautiful creatures that have been torn from their natural environment.

Loud and clear.

5: Being underage

Here's a statement from Tinder in 2016:

On a platform that has facilitated over 11 billion connections, we have the responsibility of constantly assessing our different user experiences. Consistent with this responsibility, we have decided to discontinue service for under 18 users.


Even just joking about being underage is bannable.

I put this to the test for you in this video:

6: Spamming

No one likes their inbox spammed.

And Tinder doesn't like their servers flooded or their customers annoyed.

One type of spamming you should be careful for, is copying one line, and pasting it in all your chats.

No bueno, compadre.

And there's another type of spamming that Tinder doesn't tolerate:

7: Promoting

Whether you're promoting a business, a campaign, or your arty-farty hipster blog, or shamelessly spamming people to follow you on Instagram…

…Tinder is not the place for it.

Unless you want to get payed ads featured in between profiles.

So if you get caught promoting anything but yourself as a dte worthy person, you'll get banned from Tinder.

Getting reported multiple times

Last but not least. WHATEVER you do that makes people report you, can result in a ban.

Whether you're posing with dead elephants, throwing racial slurs around, or just annoying people in any way possible…

…if you get reported too many times, Tinder will rid you from it's dating pool.

But just like you saw at the start of this article, you will get a warning first.

You then have to promise not to misbehave again.

If you keep your promise, you're in the clear.

If you don't, it's game over for you.

So what if it actually is game over?

Are you done with Tinder forever?

Can you get a second chance?

Can you get unbanned from Tinder?

You'll find out right now.

How to get unbanned from Tinder

Alright buddy, let's get you unbanned.

There's multiple ways to go about it and all of them vary per device. Android vs iPhone, web client vs phone, etc.

But before we get to the details, let's go over the reasoning behind the process.

First, you have to ask yourself:

"What does Tinder know about me?"

Because if you create a new account with information linked to your old account, Tinder's army of robots will recognize you and…

CRUSH your profile with its banhammer.

So what info could potentially link your new account to your banned account?

  • Your phone number
  • Your IP address
  • Your Google account/Apple ID
  • Your photos
  • Your social media (Spotify, Facebook, Instagram)
  • And if you bought anything, your credit card or paypal information

What does that mean?

You need to replace all the above items.

Let's explain how, step by step.

Step #1: Delete Tinder

Open Tinder and go to settings.

Scroll all the way down and hit 'Delete Account'.

Confirm by clicking the greyed-out button at the bottom.

Your account is now GONE-ZO.

Finally delete the app from your phone.

Step #2: Clear the Zuck

Open the Facebook account linked to your profile.

Click the downward-facing arrow and go to 'Settings'.

Sift through the menu on the left and click on 'Apps and websites'.

Search for the Tinder icon, check the box at the far right and press 'Remove'.

Confirm the action.

Step #3: SIM

Buy a new SIM card.

Ideally, your phone has two SIM slots.

If not, no worries.

You only need the new sim card to receive a code from Tinder that activates your account.

So once you've activated your account, you can replace the new SIM card with your usual card.

But be careful NOT to lose your Tinder SIM card.

Eventually, Tinder will ask you to re-authenticate your Tinder with a new code.

So keep your new SIM somewhere safe.

Step #4: Create a new Google account or Apple ID

This step is pretty self-explanatory.

If you need help, simply Google your question.

Plenty of people have probably answered your question in detail.

Step #5: Download Tinder again

Only download Tinder through your Google account or Apple ID IF…

You have a different IP address.

Does that sound too technical?

Relax, it's easy.

Simply walk up to your router and unplug it.

Now wait 30 to 60 seconds and plug the cable back in.

Presto, you have a new IP address.

Step #6: Setup your new Tinder account

Don't think you're already in the clear!

If you're not careful, all your hard work will have been for nothing.

What am I talking about?

Your photos and social media!

You CANNOT reuse any of your old photos or your old social media.

Planning on buying Super Likes or other premium features?

Use a different payment method!

Did you step over all the landmines?


You just successfully reset your Tinder.

Enjoy your newbie boost while it lasts, my friend.

Btw, if you want to be able to sexualize conversations WITHOUT getting banned… just use the copy pastable lines from my TextGod Toolkit. I'm giving them to you for free together with a profile checklist and my #1 best-tested opener.

Now that you know what to do to roam Tinderland freely once more, let's mock some people that also got banned from Tinder:

3 Accounts that are going to get banned from Tinder

Let's have a quick laugh.

First profile:

It's quite explicitly sexual straight from the start.

Looks like a good one to collect reports.

How about this account?

Woopsie, I can already hear the banhammer coming.

Last try?

This one got a giggle from me first time I heard it. Unfortunately, most women will find it gross and insulting rather than funny.

Luckily for these guys, they can always find this article and get themselves a second chance.

If you have any more questions or didn't manage to get unbanned, feel free to drop a comment down below and I'll see what I can do for you!

Louis Farfields

PS: don't forget to pick up your copy of the TextGod Toolkit, right below ⬇️

For more tips, check out these articles:

And don't forget your download below ;)

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How To Get Your Tinder Unbanned


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