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Apple announced the iPhone 7 today, along with its A10 microprocessor. We'll accept to look a scrap to come across how the new CPU compares with the A9 in terms of overall performance, but Apple tree shared some pregnant details of what to expect with the new chip.

Past rumors have suggested a second-generation 14nm SoC built at TSMC, only Apple tree said nothing virtually either its process node or foundry manufacturer of choice. What we practice know is that the new A10 is a quad-cadre, 3.three-billion transistor CPU (the A9 CPU independent more than than 2 billion transistors) with an estimated forty% performance advantage over A9 (according to Apple).


Ever since it debuted the iPhone 4s, Apple has stuck to a dual-cadre policy for its iPhone, even as its Android competitors steadily boosted their core counts. It's go common for flagship Android devices to field iv-8 cores — either a unmarried cluster of loftier-stop CPUs similar the Snapdragon 820, or a combination of loftier-finish and low-ability CPUs in a unified cluster via ARM'south big.Little.


When ARM debuted big.Little it was by no means certain that the idea would have off. Every bit we covered at the time, making the large and small CPU clusters talk to each other finer required some heavy lifting from both SoC manufacturers and Android itself. Intel, meanwhile, believed that it could use Dynamic Frequency and Voltage Scaling to finer address the market with a single CPU or CPU cluster, rather than relying on clusters of loftier-performance and high-efficiency CPU cores that share data and workloads amongst themselves.

Apple isn't calling its ain cluster implementation big.Little, but its implementation of the same concept appears similar. The A10 volition combine two high performance cores with 40% better performance than the A9 with two loftier-efficiency cores that depict 1/5 the power of the A10's high-finish chips. The controller that manages these workloads is custom Apple silicon, so nosotros don't know how well Apple's solution volition compare with ARM's. Apple could be facing a learning curve hither — the outset fries to implement big.Little didn't actually practise and then properly and it took several applied science and Android iterations before the standard was fully supported in both hardware and software. Alternately, Apple tree may have been developing the technology through several revisions, and only rolled it out when it knew information technology had everything nailed down.


Overall performance of the A10. Data past Apple.

Apple tree is as well claiming that the new GPU inside the iPhone 7 will deliver 50% more graphics operation than A9 and 240x more operation than the original iPhone. These gains appear to take been plotted confronting the iPhone 6s rather than the 6s Plus. The iPhone 7'due south battery life is said to have improved as a result of these changes, with more than 2 hours of run-time compared with the iPhone 6s and ane hr more than the iPhone 6s Plus.

Apple tree'south determination to use a similar technology to big.Little should pay dividends in terms of battery operation, only we'll have to wait for more details before we tin compare the two technologies. The latest revisions of big.Petty allow for workloads to be shared across all the CPU cores in a device, provided its thermal budget allows for this. Apple tree may take duplicated this functionality with the A10 Fusion. Apple is also claiming that its screens are now 25% brighter than before, and these types of changes can have a significant impact on battery life.

Heading into the event at that place were rumors that the iPhone would use an Intel-branded modem rather than a Qualcomm chip, simply if this is true Tim Cook didn't mention information technology. The new Fusion engineering science Apple is debuting hither is a significant shift for its device strategy and it'll exist interesting to see how the new hardware impacts overall SoC performance. The GPU is presumably by Imagination Technologies — they've built the hardware for every iPhone and there's no sign Tim Cook changed suppliers for the iPhone 7.