
What Type Of Money Did The Navajo Use

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The Age: Late A.D. 1700s to Mid-1900s


The bear witness for Navajo peoples in the Mesa Verde region during the early Age is relatively sparse. In general, the state north of the San Juan River was considered—not only by the Utes, but by other American Indians as well—to be Ute territory.

Ute raiding collection almost Navajos south of the San Juan River and out of the Mesa Verde region by 1750. In 1864, the U.Due south. Ground forces rounded up more than 8,500 Navajos from west-central New United mexican states and east-cardinal Arizona and forcibly marched them to the Bosque Redondo Reservation in eastern New Mexico, on what is known as the "Long Walk." Some Navajos escaped the Long Walk by hiding out in remote areas, including a few places in the Mesa Verde region.

The Navajos were imprisoned at Bosque Redondo for iv years. When they were finally released, they returned to a reservation that was reduced to ten per centum of the original Navajo homeland past a treaty signed in 1868. This treaty prohibited Navajo people from returning to almost of the Mesa Verde region.

Much of the population continued to alive in traditional hogans throughout this period. The early Historic–period Navajo economy was based on sheep and caprine animal herding, farming, weaving, and silversmithing. Starting time in 1868, traders (mostly people of European descent) came to the area and established trading posts, which quickly became economic and cultural-exchange centers, where Navajos would merchandise sheep, wool, rugs, baskets, and jewelry for products such as canned goods, tobacco, coffee, flour, sugar, and tools. The arrival of the railroads in the early 1880s provided the Navajo the opportunity to piece of work for wages, and rail transport was a means to deliver Navajo arts and crafts to American markets.

Circular masonry hogan. Used by permission of Fort Lewis College, Center of Southwest Studies, Southwest Colorado General Photograph Collection, SWP 001 IV-02-10.

Round masonry hogans and cribbed-log hogans became the predominant Navajo firm blazon during the Historic menses. Hither, two women, one with a baby in a cradleboard, weave outside a masonry hogan. (Come across enlarged photograph.)

The entry of the Us into World War II in 1941 changed Navajo life dramatically. More people began working for wages, and many joined various branches of the military. The Lawmaking Talkers were a group of approximately 400 Navajo Marines who developed a lawmaking based on the Navajo language. The code, which was used to transmit military letters, was never deciphered by the enemy, and the Lawmaking Talkers are credited with saving thousands of soldiers' lives.

After World War 2, mineral resource on the Navajo Reservation were extensively developed, and Navajos began working in uranium and coal mines, equally well as in the oil and gas industries.

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Nigh the hardships endured past the Navajo during the Long Walk.

Virtually the heroism of the Code Talkers during World War II.

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